My first artwork available in Target in Water Bottles with partner StudioOh!

I was very excited to reveal this collaboration, I had already mentioned before on my instagram account that one of my goals as an artist was to license my art to be sold in wholesale stores in the United States, specifically I had Target in mind.

When Studio Oh contacted me for the first time, they had some ideas for my work, mainly stationery, but everything is a process that can take a long time, conversations are held, they review the different designs and their feasibility in the products they have in mind.

When they contact me again, they do so with a contract in hand ready to sign if I approve it, which states that I will grant them a license for my 'Rainbow Moon' design to sell it in Stainless Steel Water Bottles, nothing more and nothing less than at Target.

I was blown away, simply because in my inexperience at the time I didn't know that this was the way to get into Target and fulfill that dream. Of course I accepted and now you can find it both in physical stores and in the online store, you can find it here.


Collaboration with my partner Americanflat to reach a wide range of retail stores


A Story about inspiration and Muses